
Sonic.EXE - The Game

Version: 7.0.0almost 10 years ago

Folks, I am not working on this game for the foreseeable future.

I've moved on to bigger and better projects, and that's where my focus is. This game was never meant to be a serious project, and whilst I'm glad that it's had one Hell of a ride over the past few years, it's time for me to put my effort into more ambitious games that aren't just cheap jump-scare material.

For example, Shrouded - a new survival-horror RPG I'm working on, which you can find here:

The Original Sonic.EXE Game

Sonic.EXE Version 7 is finally here! This update brings a variety of graphical improvements, audio improvements, no less a few 'not-so-little' updates to the game world. To top it off, there are a number of performance optimisations made to the game's engine to help the gameplay experience feel that little bit smoother.

Some old secrets still lurk, but may appear different in form - and some? May have even been replaced by new, sinister worlds where the influence of 'X' has spread. Explore, and don't think for a second that the path you've taken will remain the same - turn back, keep your eyes peeled for changes. You may be rewarded for your efforts. Well... "reward" might not be the word for it.~

The game took about 3 days to whip up, and is not a full representation of my programming ability - it was simply something I made for a laugh. I never expected it to come this far since the original release. Bear that in mind.

Some Antivirus software may report this program - rest assured, this is a false positive.


IF I've forgotten someone here, directly message me about it and I'll add them. Nothing is 'sToLeN' - the game is entirely non-profit and I've done my best to credit all assets used, but like I said - if someone should be here, and isn't, directly message me and I'll correct it. This game is 10 years old, people don't particularly care anymore, so don't be a salty asshat in the comments. Shrouded, at the very least, is an original IP with assets developed specficially for that game and/or created by myself. Happy?

Sonic.EXE is based on the Creepypasta "Sonic.EXE" created by Mr. JC Hyena

"Hill Act 1.gym" - composed by Kyu. S
"Kingdom of Sorrow" - composed by Namco
"Gigyas Theme" - composed by Nintendo
"Title Screen" - composed by Sega
"This is Rupture Farms" - composed by Ellen Meijers-Gabriel & Josh Gabriel
"Game Over" - from Sonic CD (USA)
"FFFFFF" - Reversed version of 'Title Theme' from A Clockwork Orange
"Kintobor" - Reversed/sped-up version of Blinded by Light 16 Bit
Introducing SheyGrell, as the Voice of Sonic.EXE
Various Sound Effects - Doom, iD Software

I Am God image Version 7 - created by Ian-EXE
I am God image from Versions 1 - 6 created by compugecko532
Version 4 Title Screen created by SecretAgentJonathon
Version 4 Game Over Key-press image created by shadowninja976
Version 4 Message background image created by viridys
".EXE 2" image created by sonicshadowfan13
"Last" background image created by Janine7the7Tiger
"V666 Game Over Screen" by Fraeulein-Absynth
"Ghost Face 2" - darkshineart
"Ghost Face 3"- art4kpd
GameJolt Thumbnail by silverscourges/animated by Victor McKnight
GameJolt Banner features atwork by snouken and Janine7the7Tiger/animated by Victor McKnight

Game created by MY5TCrimson. Sonic the Hedgehog is the property of SEGA Enterprises, and I do not claim ownership of the intellectual property. NO INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED.


Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore

Hey all.

Remember Kyu S.? The original composer for "HILL" and "..."?

He's just uploaded a few awesome tracks on YouTube for a remake being done by the current co-owner of the creepypasta. Definitely go give them a listen!


Sonic.EXE | Version...?


Version 7 is here!


Version 666 Launched!


Version 5.1 Update

New update coming soon. No new content in this one, guys - just a simple bugfix for the memory-leak issue in the final part of Version 5.