Comments (56)

Does this game have an option to change aspect ratio (16:9 or 4:3) like in Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit? Also this game looks really good from the screenshots, really Genesis-Accurate!
The events of the *8-bit* version of Sonic 2 take place in South Island, not West Side Island
Sonic 2 Rescue Tails
Sonic 2: Rescue Tails is a reimagined version of the 8-bit Sonic 2 for the Master system and Game gear, in the style of the 16-bit Megadrive/Genesis Sonic games.
The story is much the same as the original game. Doctor Eggman captures Tails and Sonic has to save him. There are some notable changes, however. We've tried to fit this game in the same timeline of events as the 16-bit Sonic games. Choosing the right place for it was a difficult decision, but we've chosen to place it right after the regular Sonic 2.
In this demo you can play trough 4 zones, each with its own unique mechanics. :
- Underground Zone
- Sky High Zone
- Aqua Lake Zone
- Green Hills Zone
- Bonus: An optional prologue level - Emerald Hill Revisited
Additional credits: In addition to the three of us working on the project (Laiker, Sonic the Penguin and Sovic91), we feel it is important to acknoledge the contributions of a few other people who, while not directly involved in the project, have done work that was in some form used in the project:
- Undergound Zone background based on the work of KeatonThFox (https://www.deviantart.com/keatonthfox/art/BG-Underground-Zone-16-bits-511760117)
- Sky High Zone background, as well as Sky High Zone and Green Hills Zone tilesets based on the works of Alex13Art and Kamijou420 (https://www.deviantart.com/alex13art/art/Sky-High-Zone-Sprites-640200960; https://www.deviantart.com/kamijou420/art/Sky-High-Zone-705538167)
- Aqua Lake Zone tileset and act 1 background based on the work of Alex13Art (https://www.deviantart.com/alex13art/art/Aqua-Lake-Zone-Sprites-514473527)
- Signposts made by I-like-Sonic-91 (https://www.spriters-resource.com/custom_edited/sonicthehedgehogcustoms/sheet/226095/)
- And of course, the assets of the game are heavily based on the original 8-bit Sonic 2, as well as various other Sonic games, and for that we have to give credit to Sega and Aspect.