Comments (8)
This game is great and the graphics are from the mega drive which is a nice touch in my eyes, The music is not bad but could use some work, I suggested using some sort of remix of green hill zone and star light zone but wack willow zone is fine. The level design is great. Best of luck to in the sega 2017 fan game expo or competition. Sonic Anniversary demo get a 3/5 lighting bolts.
Yeee Finaly!
I wait so much for it!
accept my friend request and we talk there
good but no battle with eggman or metal sonic i give 5/5
when you try to download into client dont working for me but now its working
Sonic Anniversary SAGE 2017 DEMO
•Move; {Left and Right Arrow Keys}
•Jump; {A key}
•Roll/Crouch; {Down Arrow Key (Moving, Roll; Still, Crouch)}
•Spindash {Crouch + A key}
An improved and greatly expanded demo of my side project; Sonic Anniversary. This version contains two remixed stages from classic games, as well as an all new stage; Wacky Willow Zone. A hub world inspired by Sonic Generations has also been added as well as added polish and the addition of Genesis/Mega Drive style physics that allow you to speed down slopes in ball form much faster than before! Please continue to leave criticism and comments for this game so I can continue to further develop the Echo Engine into something truly special. Thanks again!
The game itself was made for the Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2017 (SAGE). This page will still be up after SAGE has ended for convenience. The SAGE build of Sonic Anniversary will also be released for the main Sonic Anniversary page after the event has concluded.
-Green Hill decorations and background images created by Motoroach.
-Metal Sonic sprites created by HyperShadow
-Enemy sprites ripped from Sonic Pocket Adventure
-Sonic sprites recoloured from Sonic Pocket Adventure
-Some Title Screen Graphics taken from Sonic Triple Trouble
-Green Hill Level Tileset created by me
-Star Light Level Tileset and decorations by Skylights
-Wacky Willow Level Tileset created by me
-Wacky Willow Level decorations ripped from Sonic 1 Game Gear
-Wacky Willow Background created by Dolphman
-White Space Graphics created by me