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Sonic Adventure X

Version: 2.0.2almost 6 years ago
Jogo em PT-BR.

PT-BR: Era um dia normal, quando chega á notícia de Tails, dizendo que Amy foi sequestrada pelo Eggman.
Sonic, sente que errou em ignorar Amy todo esse tempo. Triste e com Raiva, Sonic sai em busca de Amy. Mas existem muitos obstáculos no caminho...

PS: Existem 2 Finais Alternativos!
Pegue as 7 esmeraldas e consiga o final bom.
ou se não pegar as 7 esmeraldas, você terá o final ruim...
Boa Sorte!

English: It was a normal day, when it came to the news of Tails, saying that Amy was kidnapped by the Eggman.
Sonic, you feel you've been wrong to ignore Amy all this time. Sad and angry, Sonic leaves in search of Amy. But there are many obstacles in the way ...

PS: There are 2 Alternative Finals!
Get the 7 emeralds and get the good ending.
or if you do not get the 7 emeralds, you will have the bad ending...
Good luck!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
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