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Sonic Biographys

Version: 1.0.07 months ago
Sonic the Hedgehog Biographies

Want to see Sonic the Hedgehog and other characters BIOs without having to go through different websites? well this is for you.

Sonic the Hedgehog Biographys is a application that allows you to see Sonic characters bios. Includes Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and more....


Sonic Biographies v1.0.0 Released

Sonic Biographies has been remade in HTML to be better in a way.

- Software is now on Browser. No downloads needed anymore.

- Now supports English and Spanish.

- New characters: Dr. Eggman, Blaze the Cat, and Espio.

A public alpha build is released with only a FEW sonic characters and limited info on the biography portion. Includes a EXE file and a html file

The time has come. it is time you know the truth about the sonic characters. Sonic the Hedgehog BIOs will have ALL the answers you need. This will take some time to make. I want to put some effort into these Biographys.

Hope you all understand.