
Comments (9)

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just wasted about 2 minutes of my life playing this game

How do I play this game


parabens é uma obra de arte

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk me lembra jogo do scracth



Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago
This is the direct rip of the game :)

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Title theme.

One day I just been Playing crappy scratch games then i recived a mail from in front of my house. i opened the mail and saw a letter, it red.- "Hey there Boi. you told me ur going to make me send soniec gaems for u so heres i found in the prince weaswallow's market -DatBoi " so i looked at the CD, it have sonic R thumbnail and the title was written as "SONIC" without any sign of "R" around. i thought he just printed a background then taped here,but i ignored it anyway. so i popped the disk into the pc but it didnt work because it was a miniDVD rom and it was too small so i find my gamecube then throw it to the floor then open the game,then it appears as its Sonic gems collection's Sonic 1. But sonic have black eyes and red pulips with a worried look on his face. then i pressed start, everything turned back to it way it used too, but sonic has a big smirk this time then a Laughing sound played,No its not from Onepiece,Its the Bowser laugh from Hotel mario, i wonder what his plans were. as i gather through the levels... i noitice that its not side-scrolling and all levels are flat. i started to worry, then a few Secounds, the background turned Blue, and the floor is now green. then another few secounds Sonic Stopped then that bowser's laugh thing played again a secound later, normal sonic appeared, this time he had insanely BIG eyes. and he was souring in the air like a maniac. and the drowning theme was playing,i cant move sonic.exe and "HE" catched me,then vored me up. then this "I am troll" screen appeard, Im so Triggerd i Throw this disk out of my house, smash it into pieces, then set it on fire.

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