Comments (16)
I swear..if its Scratch Again.
its not a full game :(
how do i get passed the puzzle after you get the phone Edit:nevermind i found out
Never gonna give you gamemaker (
You forgot to reset the game after testing
None of the monsters have any attacks (except tomatoid)
Napstablook had no dialogue
Overworld sprites looks weird (I mean, your sprites aren't bad, just something is wrong when anyone moves etc.)
SordidTale-烟雾尘天-(Old version)
#undertale #undertaleaus #sordidtale
较此版本更完善的新版Sordidtale-漫天尘沦-的试玩版已发出,可自行前往链接Sordidtale by teamsordid - Game Jolt获取。