
Space Color Wars
Submission for KenneyJam 2021
Try to rotate your shield to match the enemies color attack and reflect them back and also try to use your shields to create your own color attacks, all that while tyring to steer your ship that rotates acording to your mouse position.
[W] or [S] Acceleration - [A] or [D] Rotate Shield - [LMB] Shoot [SPACE] Special [Move Mouse] Rotate Ship
When Your Laser Pass Trough A Shield It Will Gain The Shield Color.
You'Ll Gain Double Damage When The Laser Has The Same Color As The Target And If You Kill It You'Ll Gain +1 Life.
When A Foe Laser Collides With A Shield Of The Same Color It Will Be Reflected, If It Hits A Foe It'Ll Destroy Him Immediately.
Post Jam Updates:
Reflected laser will gain 2x speed.
The main ship was changed to one that is easier to recognize front and back.
Shields no longer rotate together with the ship.
Default acceleration value was raised in 20%.
Stars on the background, they change color according to the enemies spawn possibility.
Light vfx and camera shake for when a laser is reflected.
Light vfx for the shields.