Space Invasioners
As you can probably tell from the title, this isn't a serious game. I made it more to familiarize myself with Game Maker: Studio than as an actual commercial product. But when my brothers playtested it, they said it was a lot of fun, so I decided to see what you guys think of it. If you have any constructive(!) criticism, please let me know.
Arrow keys to move, space bar to fire, p to pause.
Known issues:
The movement is wonky. If you start moving in one direction, press the arrow key to move in another, then let go of the first key, your ship will stop moving. This has been a problem since early in development that I'm still trying to solve.
Occasionally, audio will overlap. This is a case of me not checking the objects' programming thoroughly enough, and will be fixed when I've found where the problem is.
Other notes:
This is still a test build, so yes, the ability to skip to any of the levels is there on purpose.
Also, I'm still learning how digital art works, and I don't have anyone else working with me, so the game looks ugly. I know it does, but there's nothing I can do to fix it until I'm better at making good-looking sprites.