Comments (4)
loved it
Damn outer space ducks. I included it in part 39 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/f3GeO2Qpc6E
Couldn't reach the end, but it was a amazing experience! 5/5
Space Sandwich
Space Sandwich for Solaris
#indiesvspewdiepie My submission for the Indies vs Pewdiepie Game Jam: I hope you like it! I feel we did a really good job on the music, and there are points and levels to keep you going! There's a 1:100 chance of getting a shield everytime you kill a duck, wich breaks after one hit and you can't have multiple shields at once. I gave this game a pixel art style, and I think the achievement in that field was the duck. Ah the duck. Anyway hope you enjoy it and even if this game doesn't make the top 10 for this jam I had tons of fun and learned alot, and isn't that the point of every Game Jam?
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence