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Space Royale is a single-player arcade shooter battle royale game. 100 ships enter, only 1 leaves! If you die, haunt your foes as a ghost ship while they battle it out to see who wins!

Have a large group of friends over? Take turns playing and contribute points to your favorite clan, and see which one wins by the end of the day!
(NOTE: In-game option to delete clan points isn't included, you'll have to delete the "SpaceRoyale" folder in AppData if you want to reset points.)

Game is made as my first (possibly last) entry for the #dreamhackatlantajam

Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Hey, so, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if anybody playing the game could report any bugs you may end up finding, especially before the Jam is over. I can't fix bugs if I'm not told what they are, hahaha.