Comments (12)
I really recommend this game for any gamer that loves playing plat former games, loves to create there own type of layout. Only down side of it is that the enemies don't attack. They just roam around.
I really have high hopes for the game to officially release. If i have to pay for this game, I'm buying it!
Few things i want the creators to add.
More and Colored Blocks
More Enemies (That Attack)
Able to save your own maps in a personal Library
Probably different objectives?
1 to 10, i probably rate it 7-10. Great Job!
This is awesome! Quick to jump right in and start playing or making levels :) Works really well on Linux too! There are some things that could be improved but that should be obvious since it's in alpha. Great job SIACTRO and I'll definitely check back as you add more to the game. It has a lot of potential but it's already worth playing right now!
Stuff I'd like to see improved (you probably already plan on doing most of these):
No quit button on the main menu (had to alt+f4)
I'd like an author name and description attached to the levels
"Default levels" or a short campaign to get the player started would make it feel more complete
Hold button to auto-fire would be helpful. Some people (not me) have trouble mashing buttons and can even experience pain trying to do so
Show more levels on screen at once in the level select
Keep it up Marcus!
It's not a spacevania maker if there are no powerups, dude.
This has a very retro appeal to it.
A really good game (if i can call this a game), I really enjoyed making my level (It's named Columbus if u wanna play it). There is only one problem: the game doesnt looks finished! There isn't search bar or anything, in the level editor you could add items or more stuffs.
This app is fun and I recommand it :)
(((Sorry for the bad english im french)))
Spacevania Maker_Alpha
Play, Create and Upload small metroidvania levels!
I created this small mix between the metroidvania and maker genre as a little experiment to see how it would work together. Next to an online database for your uploaded level, the game also features a speedrun mode for every user created map :) I hope you enjoy this alpha version and in case you want to see this expanded, pls let me know! <3