
Comments (13)

What do you think?

This is a really neat entry! It adds an extra element to the one touch game genre, really great work here. Voted for you! Hope youll try mine here

Sweet little game. Effects feel nice and juicy. Well fit for mobile too.

Simple, fun and beautifully polished. I'd love to see this on mobile!

If you'd be so kind, come take a look at ours too:

Really challenging, fun little game! I included it in part 18 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Cool game dude ! Quite addictive ! Here is my 5 to increase your chances of being played ;)

Spadyssey... a journey to the unknown... limited resouces... what do we seek??



Added meteor to the game. Much thrill! So intense! (ready to play)

Second build is ready to play! Try to beat my score!

Alpha version is up! And my friends is CRAZY!

I just uploaded the earlier version of the game. My all time high score was 38 and by friend just beat it in instant.