Comments (2)
Wow stage 11 really ****'s you up lol
Anyway, good game, would have been a LOT better if it had been playtested though :(
This is quite an addicting tower defense: Easy to play. I really enjoyed it. However there was quite a lot that could be improved on.
A lot of the sprites seemed amatuerish (the ships and background was fine, but the turret looked silly as a shaded object, didn't match the artstyle. Also the menus could have been made grey instead of green, I didn't feel like you achieved that "high tech" look I think you were going for)
The upgrade system needs to be rebalanced, I found the game a little difficult at the beginning, but once I got some upgrades up, the game got easier and easier and I felt I could just spam my bullets everywhere instead of aiming properly. The later tier upgrades either need to be more expensive, or have higher level enemies not give as much cash. Like a 10 or 20% reduction.
The music sequence was good, but another track probably could have helped. (I ended up muting it around wave 9.
Those fast ships were quite annoying early on...they had much more health compared to the slow ones and generally speaking, it's supposed to be the other way around.
Those fast wing-fighters were horrid. In early game they had way too much health, and in later stages they don't change colour, leading one to believe that they aren't any stronger, which is false.
Gripes aside, I was amazed that I was entranced by such a simple game-maker game. I do hope you'll continue to make better games in the future.
Spatial Defense
Spaceship are attacking yours so you need to defend it. To do this you can built sentries and/or use your own cannon. there's still a upgrade system.