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Plot Outline: In the far future, a mutated special operative gets called in for a job at a remote military outpost. A supposedly routine mission quickly spirals into a crisis when an unknown assailant tries to harness illusive and extremely dangerous technology from a past global war.


I've never been particularly good at filling my free time with constructive things to do, especially now that Lydia left me to fend for myself in this cold, unfeeling city ...and just when I felt that the ceiling was closing in on me I got the call.
A certain Dr. Amado was suspiciously careful to make it sound like just a routine job. 2 Weeks work under the banner of the Acythian Military, standard pay but she was really spotty on the details, said she'd fill me in on location.
The location being the Dhaka exclusion zone, formerly India, a thick jungle littered with old tech from the war.
In my line of work, one thing is certain, any job in these exclusion zones is never routine and always dangerous.

The South Harriette-Jadovsk Military Science Complex is one of these reclamation outposts in the back end of nowhere. The surrounding area is crawling with bandits, anarchists and if you're particularly unlucky: Old war drones that are still active and usually dangerously trigger happy. They can't risk flying me in as the location is known for military craft being shot down and having entire crews vanish in the difficult, overgrown terrain. So they'll handle all transportation with small boats, usually only moving in the cover of darkness. 3 days trip from the nearest base with functional air travel to my destination.

Well, I got bills to pay, no other employment options and after how I treated Lydia, I deserve every bad thing that is coming my way.

*8 handcrafted and detailed missions.
*Carefully designed visuals that play to game gurus strenghts.
*An arsenal of 9 customized and well balanced weapons. *Planned and scripted enemy encounters
*Diverse cast of animated characters, animals and machines.
*Dynamic environments with light puzzle elements
*Occasional voice acting and branching text based multiple choice dialogue.
#scifi #cyberpunk #spectre #shooter #fps #free

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor

Alpha Version of the Apothecary Levels. Some jank is to be expected.


Dialog System : 0:14

Gathering Hidden Items: 02:26

Nightclub: 05:44

Minor Fire Fight: 06:44

Entering the church: 11:56

Exclusion Zone : 14:00

Alpha tests, slow but steady progress ... still here! :)

Feel free to read whats new.

Spectre Alpha Gameplay.

Rough and unrefined but slowly getting there. I still aim to release it around new years.

Spectre Mission 4 Alpha Version (Part 1)
Spectre Alpha 2 - The Return of the JankTime stamps of things in the video:2:00 Combat Starts12:00 Checkpoint Building14:15 GG AI working as intended for onc...

Update for spectre. Work being done on optimisation. Also featuring overhauled screenshots and video of the first level.