Comments (5)
Troppo bello
It's surprisingly fun and gives a cool atmosphere with the music.
And I laughed pretty hard when i saw the "sexual content" (hint: check the bedroom)
You should finish it after the conest is over
Surprisingly fun! Could be better if bees (shouldn't they be flies?) moved and if you could snare them in webs but hey, 8 days isn't a lot of time.
SpiderCrib is my entry into the GameJolt fear competition!
I started working on this game on Aug 11th. It was a tough decision, but I decided that starting from scratch would make it impossible for me to finish in time, so I went with Unity! However, I had never used Unity before so it was a little hard. I did manage to get the gist of things in about 2 days, but due to personal events I was only able to work on the actual game for about 2 days. Nevertheless, those were the two most sleepless days of my life, and I put a lot of effort into it because goddammit I WANT A FREE SHIRT!!
The goal of the game is to find all 45 bumblebees. You do this by crawling(you're a spider) around a house and using your (invisible) web to mimick flight. It's more entertaining than it sounds.
(almost forget) Controls:
WASD - Move
RightClick - Swing/Jump
I created all assets EXCEPT for the audio (songs + sound effects). I got those from
Due to the rules of the contest, you are only able to play this game if you are terrified of spiders. If you aren't scared of spiders, then you won't have the full SpiderCrib experience because then it won't be scary. Sorry.
Warning: This game contains sexual content.