Comments (50)
Made a Let's Play of it here:
I really liked the gameplay alot. I loved the amount of control I had over the character which made me feel like a badass when playing. I loved the combat and the skills, graphics were okay and audio was a bit sub par. What I don't like is the controls, they're pretty damn bad and can make the game more difficult than it needs to be, this is primarily due to the camera controls. I think using the mouse for cam would have been better. Left click for the standard attack combo, right click for the dash, WASD for movement and QERF for the specials maybe or keys close to WASD. Otherwise I'd really like to see this kind of combat and gameplay in other games.
The game is great! But the controls are really bad... It's hard to move, to rotate the camera and to use skills at the same time... It would be a lot easier if the skills were on 1 2 3 4 and you moved on WASD, just a suggestion!
A well-designed game. Probably inspired by DmC series...
You should sort out the controls and maybe make more levels with different designs,the game is great as it is,it just needs a bit more polishing.
The trailer and the gameplay feel different for me.
Idk what it is but my dodge is like really really slow moving and the frames stall a lot.
But really, love the game man.
Spirit Blaze
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**----------------------------(( 6/1/2014 7:42PM Update ))----------------------------**
- Add Leaderboards ( must download new exe )
" Boss Raid " Score will upload this Leaderboards , every account only upload one record by your best score .
**More COMBO will get higher scores .
---------------------------------------------(( Info ))**---------------------------------------------
Spirit Blaze is an ARPG based on reality strike experience, with smoothly combat and challenging bosses.
If you interest in ARPGs, you shouldn't miss this!
---------------------------------------------**(( Control ))**---------------------------------------------
Character Move : Right / Left / Up / Down
Camera Rotate : Left Ctrl / Right Ctrl
Combo Attack : C
Jump / Dash : X / Z
Battle Skill : A / S / D / F
Health Item : B
Resonance Skill : V
Quit Mission ( Game ) : Esc
OK ( Menu ) : Space
Cancel ( Menu ) : Esc
---------------------------------------------**(( Hints ))**---------------------------------------------
Dash :
It's an important skill in game, you'll be invulnerable while dashing, also you
can dodge right after attack.
Stamina Restore :
Stamina restore over time, can also gain by hit on enemies, both of these
affected by conditions.
Resonance :
Resonance decrease when hit by enemies while charging, but maintain while
full, expect release Resonance Skill.
Resonance Skill :
Available when Resonance is full, and reset the Resonance after release.
Resonance Skill bring you buffs in short time, most importantly, you'll be
invulnerable during this time.