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Sporky Windows Release
All of the windows releases of Sporky
Sporky is a firstperson shooter set in a dystopian world were almost everyone was infected by a virus and turned into parasites(zombies).
It all started when North Korea nuked Russia when Russia stoped supporting the siberian labor camps. Some people close to the blast got infected and started mutating, they started looking what was almost zombie like. They soon started looking for food and being in siberia the lack of animals was obvious and they then started eating people and when chewing on other people it infected the victim.
The desease then started spreading and people could not just kill the zombies as legally they were declared humans with a sickness. This would soon to change but it was to late, by 2025 1 billion people had been infected, in mostly europe but also north america. And by 2030(the year the game takes place in) around 6 billion people had been infected with the last standing nations being australia aswell as some small countries in africa. The game takes place in north america where you are one of the last 1000 survivors. You find out that your daughter is still alive and you have to get to her by slaying zombies. You end up going thru a big city just to find out that she has escaped to a farm and once getting to a farm you find out she has been kidnapped and to save her you must go on missions and retrive stuff for the kidnappers.
As for gameplay it is very simple atm but with lots of more stuff planned. It is a fast paced firstperson games were reactions are the key but you also have to make decisions pretty fast. That at least is the plan moving forward, I also plan on adding stuff like boosts and character upgrades.
You are all free to follow the trello page here: https://trello.com/b/NScOpZ0s/sporky
and discord development link is here: https://discord.gg/Q5acDJn.
Credit to my friend Kenan Hadzic for the logo work.
Realistic Violence