Comments (65)
"Big Thankies From McSpankies" - Skeet

I 100% The Game

And Jeez. All Max Mode Was A Nightmare

you can use this for ultimate plushie nights if you want

I have beaten the major update of this game. (I also have beaten the major updates of the first two games If you're wondering.) Can't wait for ultimate plushie night to come out.
My full playthrough
One Night with The Plushies 3 (JOKE GAME)
Based on the "It's Sodium Chloride" meme. This is what happens when you turn a meme into a joke game.
I know the FNAF PLUSHIES Series and Spinoff Series is done, but lately, I wanted to add one more installment to the ONWTP series because I had lots of fun making those games for you guys.
RELEASE DATE: October 30th, 2022
Before Springfred was in his own Orgy & Game Grub and was put in the Meme Museum, he was made in December of 2019, to perform at a different location.
Which location? Skeet's Diner, of course. It opened in 2017 and in the 2 years after it opened, the place made so much profit that 5 robots (3 of them are memes) were bought for the place in 2019. One of them being a robot version of Skeet and -of course- Springfred. They were bought to entertain the customers while they were eating. And 2 Plushies were also bought for the place, only for special events, such as birthdays.
What the owner of the place didn't know is that the robots and plushies bought for the place are active during the night. So, he put up a newspaper ad, hoping for someone to apply for the job as a security guard for 2 nights only. You, Edward, apply for the job and you got it. You entered the Diner, ready to start your shift. With you watching over robots, meme robots and 2 plushies.
Good luck on the job. Your gonna need it.
@22strezt - Coder, Modeler, Animator, Voice Actor, New Mechanic Ideas (I edited 1 image each of both Jimmy and Skeet, in the form of making their eyes have white pupils, to make them look like robots)
(Also, as a shoutout to @ToonsterGames95 's One Endless Night at MLG's series, Illuminati's in this game)
Carlosparty19 -Plushie Models (I edited the textures)
@Holopaxume -Adventure Freddy MODEL (I edited the textures to make him look like Adventure Springfred)
RynFox -Freddy Fazbear Model (I added a downloaded sunglasses model onto his model, to make him look like FNAFB Freddy)
FNAF belongs to Scott Cawthon
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius belongs to Nickelodeon
#fangame #fnaf #madeinfusion #survival #jokegame #sodiumchloride
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans