Comments (14)
Really nice game :) Good job Bro :P
Fun game! I voted! I'm making a game too, Vote please? http://jams.gamejolt.io/indiesvspewdiepie/games/bad-luck-brian-the-video-game/39544
Well done. 5/5
interesting concept! The graphics are terrific!
keeped on falling down ;-;
Sr. Jim!
Sr. Jim! - First version
Welcome to Sr. Jim!
โ Little history:
Somewhere, someday a man that like eat a lot of cupcakes, suddenly catch a compulsive cupcake eating disorder which did the levels of sugar in his body become high and have a strange reaction, as a result he began have hallucinations like see every person as a monster and all pets as ducks and worst start get no control on their legs, making him bouncing for every place he goes.
โ Objectives of the game:
โ Make more points you can get.
โ Keep Sr. Jim alive.
โ Hug the ducks (or maybe not).
โ Have fun.
โDon't crash the game.
โ Gameplay tips:
โ All the controls are in an image in the media section, with exception of the [Enter] key that you can use for click buttons, and the [ESC] key that you can use for pause and resume the game and to exit the game in the menu (in the Unity web player this last is not possible ).
โ For you can control Sr. Jim you need to move forwards and jump in the corners of objects for flip him.
โ For kill enemies when you jump move forwards or backward to balance Sr. Jim and then shoot.
โ You can die by get 3 times hit by monster and by instant dead you can die if you hit ducks, by stand in the ground for a while or by any bug that can potentially kill you.
โ Is not so hard as looks, keep playing and you get it fast :)
Thank you for support us by playing this!
โ Vote this for the Jam here: