Comments (14)
I tried playing it, but all I managed to do is make shapes blink and sometimes appear/disappear in the top-left corner...
Anybody mind explaining the game?
Interesting game, thank you for making a version of it that I could record! I included it in part 9 of my Glitch Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out :) http://youtu.be/kUPMqfjdt-w
Cool game. Doing both the art and the programming must've been hard work. Kudos!
I like the Digital Library Developer's games! Perhaps it cool :)
Sadly, I am unable to record this game with fraps or bandicam. If it was windows, i'd be able to include it in my Glitch Jam compilation series :/
Crawl glitch, created specially for the competition #glitchjam It is a complete game.
In the game we collect, following the example drawn on the upper screen. The particular design of geometric elemenntov.
But it is necessary to know that it's full of bugs!