
Sheeper's Showdown Folder
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The Show will begin e痰蜆蜖汀蛷谭抬汀汀蜑蛷痰獭台蜏台挞虥虥虝獭痰虝蜑檀抬覊蜆蛝蛷蜑蛠蜔谈台潭蜑汀谈虥蜖痰蛷挞挞抬覊蜐蜖汀虥潭虥虝蜑覊谭痰虝挞痰獭蜆v蜏汀蜖蜑谈蛷蜏蜆蜖蜔檀痰虝廷檀蛠蜖蜑蜔蜑蛝台獭抬蜏蜐抬痰蜐蛝檀蛷蛠獭抬覊抬蜔廷廷檀蛝虝蛷蜏蜖台台痰蜏虝挞挞虝蜑蛷谭抬虝台挞廷蜆e覊蛝蛷抬蜆覊蜑蜑蜑谈檀蜆蜐虝挞覊蜏谈挞谭虝虥覊谭蛠谈台虝蜐覊蛠蜑蛷虝痰蜖蜆挞蜆台蜔挞蜑蜖虝蛝覊蜐台蜆台蛝虝廷蜔蜖蜖蜔抬蛝挞廷獭n痰蛠蛠抬蜑谈蛠蜑蜖抬抬挞蜔谭蜖蜖蜖蜏虥廷谭汀谈蜏覊虝谭抬谭覊蜏廷台獭蜔抬廷谭汀虥挞谈蜖台蜆痰檀蛷蜑檀覊谭虝蜐痰潭虥台蜖覊蛷覊蜏t虝廷痰廷獭覊檀蜑台蜆潭挞谈覊汀虝蜏檀蜑虝挞蜏覊蜖廷蜆痰蛝抬抬虥蜑痰廷廷抬汀谭蜖抬覊台谭廷台谭虝谈虝覊蛠抬虝蛷虝蜑潭覊汀抬蜏挞蜖u虥挞獭蜆谈痰痰台檀谭潭蜖檀虝虥蜑獭台汀蜏蛠虝汀虥抬獭覊蜐蛠蛝痰蜑廷廷痰谭抬汀蜖虝台蛠檀蜆蜑汀汀蜖挞谭廷挞虝痰台蛝汀蜆汀覊蜑檀虥a蜔蜖廷谭獭抬檀蜆蜆檀蜆痰挞痰台獭台蛝虥汀蛷蜏蜑蜖蛷蜔蛠蛝蜐蜔蛷蛠蜏虝虥挞蛝蜐挞蛠檀台潭台虝谈虝虝挞抬蜐獭檀蛷檀蛠台廷痰蛷蜔挞蛠l蜑虝廷谭谈蜖汀蜔痰谈谭蜐檀蜆蜔蜔谭獭檀痰蛷谈潭蜑廷檀蜏挞蜐谭蛷蜆蜐汀抬蛝抬檀抬汀谭痰挞谭挞蜏谭覊台虥檀台汀蜑汀痰台潭蛝挞蛠谈蜖l獭蜐谈蜐蜏汀蛠抬蛝蜐虥痰檀蛷痰蜔蜆台覊廷覊蛠虝台蛝蛠檀谭潭台蛠檀蜐蜐蜏蛠潭痰蜏檀蜆蛷台檀谈虥蛝蛷虥蛝谈廷谭虥挞獭虥潭蛷蜔檀虥蜖y檀蜔台台蛝蜆蛝覊蜑谭潭覊獭檀虝谈檀蜔汀台虝虝汀谭潭汀蜏谭廷蜖挞蜏虝蛷蜏獭台抬潭蜑汀蜆汀蛝蜐痰蛝蜖蛠谭挞痰蛝蜆蛠覊廷蛝虝蜔廷抬蜐 蛝汀獭汀台獭蛷蜑蜖蜔覊檀蜑谈虝蛠潭抬檀蜔蛠痰蛷蛠台獭覊蜔挞蜖谈虝挞虥谈谭蛝抬谈蛠獭虥潭廷潭挞虝廷蜖蛠虥蛷汀台台汀谈蜏潭蛠挞獭蜐i蛷獭廷獭蜔痰廷挞蛝蛠抬谈蛠蛠蛠挞蛠虝蜏獭汀蜐蜆獭廷蜑蜏蜏抬蛝蛝蜑谈痰蛷谈廷谭挞蜏蛷蜐蛝蜔蜑虥蛝挞汀汀蛝谭潭痰蛝虝覊虥覊蛷抬蜐廷d蜐蜔蜐汀檀痰廷蜏汀蛝台潭虝痰谭蜐台虥蜐潭獭挞蛠挞蜔蛷抬虥谈檀蛠蛷挞蜔蜖谭蜑蜐蜆挞覊蜔廷蛷谭痰潭蜖蛷蜆虝抬蜔台蜐虥抬蛝虝抬汀痰潭k覊蜐抬蜆蛷獭谭檀潭蛷蛷虝虝檀痰蜏蜐蛝潭谭蛷檀虥蜐挞蛠汀台蜏虝檀痰虥覊蛷痰蜏台獭蜑虥虝台汀台虝蜑蜆蜑抬蛷挞抬蛷蛷獭虥蛠覊蛠檀虝蛝
What is Sheeper's Showdown?

Sheeper's Showdown is a Five Nights at Freddy's Fangame based off of FNAF 1, FFPS, and UCN. It is a Ultimate Custom Night styled FNAF Fangame taking parts mainly from FNAF 1 and FFPS, alongside other FNAF Games, and combining them to make a new and fresh experience!
Sheeper's Showdown (aka SS) takes a massive page out of FNAF Ultimate Edition, styling its graphics to look as if it were right from Ultimate Edition! If you haven't played FNAF UE, I would highly recommend checking it out as the entire tetralogy is lots of fun to play through!
Why is Sheeper's Showdown?

No one knows where the building came from, the franchise had its last known establishment burned down years ago. Nothing came of it after that, but yet somehow it was back. People had suspected it was a possible return of the franchise, or that it was brought back by the ghosts that supposedly haunted the place. It was the missing kids! It simply slipped under the radar and was forgotten! It's hell itself! The building itself is haunted! The list went on, but nobody had any solid, concrete answers.
You've been called to investigate the old, decrepit Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Not only because of its mystery, but because ever since it popped up people have gone missing. Children, teenagers, adults, gone. Even your own friends, who you've known for years. Nobody found them.
Now no one will find you.
How is Sheeper's Showdown?

@realscawthon : Created Five Nights at Freddy's
@Stefan25897: FNAF Ultimate Edition
@Sheeper_Cal : Creator, Main Coder, etc
@EnterName_ : Play Tester, Composer, Assisting with Coding
note: hey wouldn't it be cool if the character for this banner looked disappointed or unamused?
#fnaf #fangame #survival #pointnclick #strategy
looked back on this recently, so glad i scrapped all this
god i was NOT cooking 馃敟馃敟