Comments (52)
I looked at some things in the game through a special way, and then I found these weapons. I don't know what they are used for. I guess they are for survival mode.

Hello once again. Bloo, I want to ask you a question, do you know what is the name of the background music that plays in Alpha, in Space Station?
In the WayBack Machine you can reload the old page of the game, and you can also see the official twitter of Total Works Studio using Way Back.
could someone make a gameplay and post it on youtube to see how the game is currently doing?
Best game it's back
v1.3 Cave map
Game Soundtrack
Important notices:
Unfortunately, I only downloaded the 64-bit version back when the original game was up, so unless i find out about something to convert 64-bit things to 32-bit or someone does that for me, some of y'all are out of luck
agh i forgot what Niko put for the description of this game... did he even put one to begin with? and why did he delete his entire internet life?
@Total_Works_Studio - OG game's lead developer
@STRProjects - beta tester (1.5+)
@ToniTheKid - unlocked the v1.3 cave
If you can prove that you helped work on the original game, let me know and i'll add your @ to this credits tab