Comments (3)
Cool game! I included it in part 15 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series :)
The game seems interesting but there is one huge problem, and that is that the game gives no inkling as to how the player is to navigate and use the mechanics of the game. When creating an Abstract sort of game such as this it is important that you make it clear to the player in some way how they are to complete the objectives set for them. As it is, I have no idea whats going on when Im suddenly being attacked by scorpion monsters whilst Im constantly being told to make 3 parts of the ship, while I even know how to gather materials or craft things! Holding rating till keybinds are explained at the least
Arrows+Z = Dig/Z= attack or buy /X= menus/ Space to switch weapon
UP= fly/ DOWN=interact
In a universe where war raged between humans and the resources become scarce, the S.C.A.R astronauts are sent into space to collect ores and other resources to keep the human race alive. With the discovery of a new planet some members of the mission are sent to explore it, along the way your ship is damaged, forcing them to land on a planet off course, a planet where exploration has already been made, and between debris and structures of a planet you need to rebuild your pod to finish the trip to the destination planet.
This game is a rogue like, based on exploration of ores to build items for survival and defense against enemies.
this is a game made for the jam #gbjam3