
a/left arrow - slow down
d/right arrow - speed up
w/up arrow - steer left
s/down arrow - steer right
esc/enter - restart
Avoid the shots of the enemy ship and try luring it to hit the asteroids for extra points.
An atari-like game I made during the 4 hour journey to a ski resort and the 4 hour journey back home with some changes done afterwards as well. for the #minild72 Very simplistic gameplay but I didn't have time to do anything more fancy. The game is made with python and it is based on a tweaked version of pyrex8's atari library I found on github (https://github.com/pyrex8/atari_pygame). I added support for displaying text and added borders.
The code is horrible but my focus was just to get the game working and I didn't have time to think about the code quality because I wanted to do pretty much do the whole game within the less than 8 hours I had.
Simply download the zip file for windows and run the starscape executable file to run the game on windows.
If you want to try the game on Linux or Mac you will need to install python3 on your machine. After installing python3 you can run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will make sure you have all the dependencies to run the game :D