Comments (1)
It's way easier to steer if you only use A,S,D. If you want to slowm down just turn around and thrust the other way. I wish you didn't have to spam space to shoot.
Steering Madness
It's not easy to pilot a spaceship when you control each engine independently. Asteroids and hostile aliens definitely don't make this any easier. Actually, they make it harder. Well, guess what! You're about to try piloting a spaceship in exactly these conditions. What an interesting coincidence.
Written in 10 days for #dreamhackaustinjam
Some tips:
You control your spaceship by activating individual engines using QWEASD (described in game).
Shoot using SPACE.
When you get damaged you use up your force field (blue bar) first, then hitpoints (red bar).
Force field regenerates over time (slower when you shoot).
Also the longer you play, the more aliens will want to kill you.
That's about it, good luck ;)