Comments (19)
How do you board things, and how do you land fighters on the Behemoth class carrier?
This Looks Brilliant, Finally a good space game!
seems fun just wont load
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Stellar Nomad [demo]

Stellar Nomad is a top down 2D space sandbox, focused on creating a unique experience for each player, with changes in the galactic economy and overall balance of power being driven heavily by player action. Join an existing faction and turn the tide of the ongoing war, or start your own and make a push for galactic dominance. Be a smuggler, a bounty hunter, a peaceful trader, or a seasoned military officer - or anywhere in between!
Inspired heavily by games like Elite and the classic Escape Velocity series.

This is just a slice of what the final game will be, and it's almost entirely devoid of story right now. I've been working very hard to get the sandbox elements working correctly, and I'm pleased with the progress. But you will find bugs, you will experience unbalanced progression, and you will experience combat that's overly difficult at the moment. All that being said, I still feel like this is a pretty good representation of what I want the game to be.

I'm glad you asked! I'll be supporting this version (bugfixes mostly) for a short time, then continuing on towards the early access release version of the game. The demo will stay available! I'll be adding hundreds of star systems, dozens more ships and weapons, and more generated mission types. There's also quite a few features planned, like fleet morale, and officers you can hire onto your ships to give them certain bonuses in combat, trading, or a variety of other perks. There's tons of UI functionality and refinement to be done as well. Within the next couple of weeks, I plan to add a paid version of Stellar Nomad that is the game in it's latest, greatest, buggiest state, and anyone who purchases that version (or donates the equivalent amount or more) will be granted the full version of the game, forever.
Donate if you want, but don't feel obligated - I'd rather you just played the game!
If you are experiencing terrible framerates in some systems, go to the options menu and disable nebulas. I'm working on a more performant way to do them but for now, just turn 'em off.
Control remapping and gamepads are not yet supported but both are planned, hang tight!
#action #sandbox #space #scifi #atmospheric #2d #realtime #adventure #singleplayer
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