
20 Steps Forward
Jump 20 times in a single playthrough.

50 Steps Forward
Jump 50 times in a single playthrough

Lazy Slum
Change color 4 times in a single block!

Lucky You!
Jump on 3 consecutive blocks without changing color!

Move from one end of screen to other!

Try Try Again
Play this game 3 times

I did it!
Get 10 points in one step

100 Steps Forward
Jump 100 times in a single playthrough

Don't call me Noob!
Jump on 3 consecutive blocks changing color only once each time

Hardcore You!
Unlock the full difficulty

The Master
Jump more than 10 blocks while changing color nly once each time

Love it!
Score a 1000 points!

I am the best
Get 10+ on every step in a complete playthrough with more than 10 jumps!