
Comments (8)

What do you think?

This is kickass! But... how do I get past the point where the game seems to lock up in the Wolf Forest at the spot with the flowey thing and main character says "whoa". Windows7prox64 16gb ddr4 Intel 6th gen i5 6500, gtx 760. Happens with full screen and without, tried compatibility setting to disable scaling on high res, administration settings enabled.

Thanks @tales44 ! Glad you tried the game out! What did you like best and least about it?

this is a good game

Sometimes before i even play the game i just get this feeling that this game is gonna be good, guess what happened here? not even playing the game yet but im already commenting


Storybook Hero (DEMO)

Version: 0.1.2about 5 years ago
A turn-based RPG with a retro feel.

Storybook hero is a game that is still in development. However, we have a demo for the first part of the game. Let us know what you all think ^_^

Join Ryuu and his company through a world completely void of color. Battle wild animals, monstrous fiends, bandits, and crazed gods as you try to unlock the mystery of the world's dullening. #rpg #retro #other


Our Heroes!

  • Ryuu - Our protagonist. Easy going, doesn't take himself seriously, tends to go with the flow.

  • Slimey - A jiggly mound of pudding that's looking for companionship. Give him a hug from time to time.

  • Others - There will be 5 more party members for you to find and bring to life (foreshadowing... ooOOooh).

Our Others!

  • Old Men - They have valuable information. You should listen to them.

  • Old Women - Do not make mad. Remember making your grandma mad... yea...

  • Kings - They give you stuff you need to proceed. You should help them out.

  • Peasants - They have quests for you to do. Quests give you loot. Loot is always awesome.

  • NPCs - Fillers and world builders.


An artist gets trapped in the latest project brought to his desk. Now he must venture forth, fighting monsters and "making" allies along the way... all in order to get back home. There will be laughs. There will be tea... more laughs. There will be angry players that do not use their characters to their fullest.


  • Quick Combat

  • A cast of unusual party members... each with their own abilities

  • Side-view battle system

  • On Map Encounters

  • Dungeon Crawling

  • Map exploration

  • Side Quest

  • Equipment that gives you special abilities and/or passives.

  • A tried and true story


The demo showcases more mechanics than it does the overall story. The story is pretty lacking at the moment as we have yet to decide key plot devices and key points of interest to include in the story. There is some story, do not get us wrong, it is just... lacking in content. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy what we have made so far.

From what we can tell, this game is rated E10+. There is some fantasy violence (fighting enemies), a bit of smoking and a bit of drinking. There even might be a mild swear or two.

This game is a constant work in progress. Mechanics and storylines are bound to change slightly in the future. The rating will more than likely change to a Teen rating. While the story is vague at the moment for the demo, more will be added to the beginning of the game and more will be revealed when you get further into the game.

This is a project that we have worked hard on together and are happy to share it with you all now. While nowhere near complete, we have decided to share the first portion of our game with you all... in the form of a demo. Please, check it out, critique as much as you can on what you can, all feedback is welcome and encouraged.

You cannot get better at something if you don't know what it is you are failing on.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

New Computer up and running and getting everything set up again so that we can get back into the swing of developing once more. Should have some updates for you very soon ^_^!

We have run into an issue. Our computer has decided that it no longer wants to live. Not to worry though. A new one is well on its way and we will be back in the swing of things soon enough.

Check out our Seneri Dunes map. To get here will require wit, puzzle solving, and good old fashion exploring... or find a merchant who is willing to part with a "map".

DEVLOG: Production has been slow but we are more than humbled by the amount of PMs, views and downloads this project has.

Section 2 of the game is coming along nicely. Maps, enemies, dungeons, and puzzles. We hope to show you more soon.

We have also added a Save Anywhere option from the main menu. Not sure if we are going to keep it like that. As said previously, things are bound to change and we hope it is for the betterment of gameplay and enjoyment ^_^