Comments (65)
Umm... It's not working.
Great game, the deciphering was challenging, but not overbearingly hard while the story was compelling enough to play through.
I really enjoyed playing this - Thought I'd share the Let's Play I made of it a while ago :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L2bkvDdGeA
Great original Idea. Story was kinda ehh.. but mainly I got enjoyment out of a game that made me use my noodle.
Kinda Boring... Not too much to see...
Stranger than Fiction
Uncover the secrets of a once great alien people through their scriptures!
Solve word puzzles to translate foreign passages into English!
Learn of a staggering tower and the passions that built it!
Music by wandshrank ( http://wandschrank.newgrounds.com )
Nova Square font by wmk69 ( [email protected] )
Inconsolata font by Raph Levien ( http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html )
Testing by Ursula Huxtable ( http://dreaming-is-freedom.deviantart.com/ )
Mild Fantasy Violence