Comments (1)
This game may be simple, but I think that's pretty much one of the great things about it. The gameplay is addictive. The choice of sounds and explosions really add to the fun too. Good job!
[b]SubAttack[/b] is a quick and simple arcade game with an [url=]online leaderboard[/url] (to which you can easily submit your highest score) for more replayability and extensibility. The objective is simple; defend your fragile underwater base by firing explosives at the stream of oncoming submarines, bent on destroying your home. However, it's more strategic than it may seem, with damage limitation and the potential to gain huge combo chains. The visuals are fairly simple, reflecting the gameplay, although they're consistent and quite well sprited. SubAttack was created for the [url=,156.0.html]GameCOG ‘Explosions’ Competition[/url], coming in a respectable equal sixth place.