Comments (47)
can't believe this game is made in 72 hours
this game is awesome, i just found out about it, while i think the one i downloaded is highly bugged, its a great game, this would be a cool franchise
awesome game i like it
Interesting game, I like it :D
Suck it Up
Our game for #indiesvspewdiepie Jam!
It's best described as a Side scroller Suck and Shoote'm up!
Programming by Rafael cabrera
Music by Stijn van wakeren
and Art by me, Alvaro Dominguez https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC43OAedZO_EW9xmwYrtKDmw
Due to time limitations and human limitations (2 guys team), stuff had to be cut.
So before you play bear in mind these:
Jumping sometimes doesn't activate properly, tapping twice helps!
At the tutorial you can run and suck the cars without having to jump over them by running and holding the right click
At the final battle you gotta shoot fast and win fast! or you will die and wont respawn. (even though if you die the ending activates anyways).
Thank you everyone we worked really hard on this I hope you laugh :)
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans