Comments (11)
Great game 5/5! Here's my speedrun (spoiler alert warning diudiu):
Still a better love story than Twilight.
5/5 even better than another love story
I pressed enter at the second title screen, both in downloaded version and in web, yet nothing happened.I included it in part 43 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Sugoi Princess Ushigo
Sugoi Princess Ushiko
A game made for #indiesvspewdiepie
Help the sugoi Princess Ushiko save Prince Benedick III! If you succeed, Ushiko shall have the Prince and half the kingdom!
It's a game you really didn't know you wanted to play.
Warning: Playing the game may cause serious damage to your mental health.
Use widescreen resolution as the camera is optimized for only this kind of display. Also, during the screen with the Prince in the cage, press Enter before he finishes his dialog ("[...] brave lass!") and the PRESS ENTER text appears. For some reason in this scene pressing anything will not work when the text is flashing. If you have two monitors, play on you primary monitor, otherwise the game won't work properly. We are truly sorry for these bugs.
Made with a team of two programmers, two artists, two musicians and one guy who barely did anything at all. We also got help from Kajak Games / Kajaani University of Applied Sciences concerning the fact that we could use their building and equipment.