
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Holy crap man... I came in expecting an indie game and got blown out of the water, this feels extremely professional! It has a breathtaking atmosphere, especially considering how simple (really fun, but simple) the gameplay is. It's the kind of game you can get lost in for either a couple minutes or a couple hours, like Dr. Mario or Tetris, but it's so aesthetically unique and it feels extremely rewarding once you get to your goal. It even nails the whole "teaching without teaching" thing to get the player used to the mechanics, this is insanely good game design! I'd be extremely shocked if Gamejolt hasn't or won't feature this, you should have the verification checkmark. This is seriously impressive, and deserves a lot more attention!!

This is the type of game I would waste hours playing during study hall when I should've been doing homework xD

I don't usually comment but I need to say that this is one of the most COOL and CHILL games I've played on this website. Incredibly peaceful Great art style, and even greater level design that always keeps me wondering what's next.

I don't have the skill required to play this game...

"Things will always be more difficult, but we must get up stronger than before."

Oh man, that line turned out to be more true than I expected when booting this game up. Well, I don't know if I ended up stronger, but I definitely ended up yelling louder!

This truly is a unique experience though, toying with the idea of a physics platformer / puzzle game a la Getting Over It, but with less... noticeable gravity?

Having to keep in control of your little pixelated character at the same time as trying to do things like bounce a giant ball (a sun?) into a box, or keep it in the air, or not touch oddly dangerous walls is truly a test of patience that's worth fighting through!

The soothing music really helped to keep a lid on my ever-building rage, too. So that was a nice extra touch (that a lot of more... erm... difficult games also tend to do)!

All in all, it's a great little start to what will hopefully be a bigger, tougher(?!) and more immersive experience in the future. Keep up the awesome work =)



Version: 0.2.1over 5 years ago
An Immersive physics game challenge you. Unique physics levels will take you to an atmospheric challenge. The secret of life is never give up. Things will always be more difficult, but we must get up stronger than before. A small artistic game tells it with pixelart graphics and a physics that you command, are you ready?

An Immersive physics game challenge you. Unique physics levels will take you to an atmospheric challenge.

The secret of life is never give up. Things will always be more difficult, but we must get up stronger than before.

A small artistic game tells it with pixelart graphics and a physics that you command, are you ready? #arcade #retro #scifi #puzzle #sports #other


500 views for Sunset, ok now it's time of updates! Thank you all!

400 views for sunset 😮😮😮 thank you all, please follow this game for new updates! ❤️

300 views for SUNSET! Oh my... thank you so much! <3