Comments (12)
hey dude, i don't know if at this point the project is dead or not or if you even ever check comments anymore. But, if you do need a helping hand, or helping hands I should say, then me and my other 29 member dev group would be more than happy to help! if you see this by the way then it would be great if you had instagram so you could just dm me instead but whatever. just send me an email or something. [email protected] is the email i use for fans and partners so choose this one. if you got to the bottom of this than thanks for your time and i hope we can help!
Please add in description that this game DOESN'T work with the Game Jolt Client.
Project is not dead, I just need a new team..
Megaman has finally left the smash, couldn't fix him, had to kill him off for this fanmade installment..
I think it's megaman hitbox, i'm gonna fix that.
Super 16-bit Smash Brothers v0.0.3 Debug Alpha
Super 16-bit Smash Brothers v0.0.4 1/2 The Luigi Update; Debug Alpha
I tried recreating Super Smash Bros. in 16-bit, There are currently only two characters, Mario and MegaMan, I recommend Mario because MegaMan can't walk correctly.
Sprites by Neweegee and Mit
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence