
Comments (13)

What do you think?
  • You can fall down pits and never respawn, you can still move, though. this means I can skip the entire level.

  • The start button is REALLY hard to click, along with every other button

  • The character's controls are really slippery and almost impossible to control
    -If it's a demo with one level, then why does it say "go to the next level"?

These are the problems I had while playing the game. The worst thing about the demo is it's length.


This looks horrible, not even pleasing to the eye from the gamejolt image. Is anyone even trying to make games anymore?

Nice game i like it :D


super chicken demo 2

Version: 0.2.0over 9 years ago
this is a demo not the full game

hello its MCZOMBIEGAMING1 with a brand new game im going to work on this everyday i hope you will enjoy this game is not an rpg game

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

2nd demo

hello everyone or should i say hexters today i have another demo hope you like it

another break

hello everyone im taking another break im work on another game if you saw my first game not MCZOMBIE’s quest it was a long time ago if you saw it bye

demo out

why are you reading this play it now


hello everyone with somthing new would you like to have the mouse pointer i get 10 no’s no pointers 10 yes’s pointer is still there let me now bye