Comments (10)
This needs to be on my iPad! I think it'd help if the game told players they've fouled by tapping too early instead of just announcing the winners. Also, the cyclists announcing a speed up were confusing at first.ove
Loved it a lot. Awesome, awesome game, GattaiGames!
How can I play??? I cant put the non-ghost keys how can i put it plss help!!! I cant pass of the screen who said: Hold down games start auttomatly
Maybe some of you will have same issue. I downloaded with WinRar . Extracted the folder on my desktop. In the folder was SuperMegaExtremeTournament Unity App (EXE) and the folder SuperMegaExtremeTournament (data). When I tried to open the game an error occurred "Data folder not found". ... SOLVE : Rename the data folder (next to the executable) "SuperMegaExtremeTournament_DATA". Ps: Worked for me, Hope it will help
Interesting game, hard to play on your own :P I included it in part 47 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Please add support for 2 joysticks at the same time. :)
Amazing game! :D
Super Mega Extreme Tournament
Super Mega Extreme Tournament
A two-player head-to-head multiplayer game where both players have to compete in multiple battles... all at the SAME TIME. (up to 3 games at a time)
Each battle requires a single button input and you will need to split your attention between all the battles happening until the ultimate winner is crowned at the end of 20 wins!
SMET requires 6 non-ghosted keys to play. The defaults are ASD and *,./*** **you can customize them in-game if there are ghosting issues.
Check your ghosting limitations here:
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans