Super Running Thief
The Game:
In Super Running Thief, you play in a Retro-Style 19 century univers where steeling is the only way to go forward. Run, jump, climb and destroy are the only way to get the job done. You play as the thief. You must sneek into every building to stole new items. The game separate in 2 type of gameplay. Once you entered a level, you must avoid enemies, trap, solving puzzle and exploring to find a chest with an unknow item. When its done, you must escape in an endless run and avoiding obstacles by sliding and jumping. If you reach the end of the line, the work is done.
samfreeman05 (Programming, Texture, Main Idea)
Pyersamid (Main texture artist, Map making, Main Idea)
Software used
The main software use is call Craftstudio, a Voxel-Based Engine that use the .XNA framework. The advantage is that you can work with teammate using server. It also have tool for mapping, drawing, modeling, coding, etc...
For the soundtrack and SFX i use a little software called LSDJ, also known as Little Sound DJ, a sound sequenser that use the Nintendo Gameboy as the hardware and a GB USB Flash Cart to read the ROM on the Gameboy.
Origin of the Project
Super Running Thief was basicly a school project started in september 2013 for the Integrated Project class in secondary 5. I've been working with the engine Craftstudio for a while but haven't got the oppurtinity to start a big project. Because i already had my premium account, my partner and i did a big brain storm and finally started developping in October 2013. Few months later, we participate at the ÂSalon Jeune Projet
and we had a kiosk where we show our game to a couple hundred of people. (Here's some photo http://lagora.ecoles.csmv.qc.ca/2014/12e-salon-jeunes-projets-lagora-y-etait/).