
Comments (16)

What do you think?


This is awesome! This has really been helping me learn Hirigana. Can't wait for the full version!

Seems to be a good way to learn some hiragana, keep up the good work!

First of all, thanks for the thorough review. Here are my comments about certain things:

"As of right now the game has no where near as much content as it seems to have,"

That's because it's v.0.15 :). It's a definitely a work in progress. At this stage it's a technical demo.

In future versions, you will build your own deck of cards with their own power rating and energy score.

"I want it to have more interesting fights, I want to have some kind of more interesting combat system where I form words for type advantage of something, hell, I want some function that teaches me words at all instead of just some symbols!"

It's all coming, don't worry! :) The symbols you are referring to are the Kana which the Japanese equivalent to alphabet. Felt reasonable to start with this.

"Over all I'd rate the game a fair 5/10 for it's current state. This is based on a 0-10 scale which makes this about average. There isn't enough here to prove any vision or show anything neat, but for what is here it ain't half bad."

In it's current state is the key word here. Maybe I should have made it more clear that it was a technical demo (I don't really think it's ready for rating just yet).

I hope you'll give the next version a shot!

P.S.: The bugs you mentioned have already been identified and will be fixed.

Here's a little review for those looking to play this game, or the author of the game. As of right now the game has no where near as much content as it seems to have, in fact right now it's only a memory game due to not having any other mechanics that change it up. This being said, it's effective enough to work at teaching. I learned the symbols enough to ace the fight no sweat, but the problem is I only did this because there was so little. I wish this game was larger which is kind of a good thing. I want it to have more interesting fights, I want to have some kind of more interesting combat system where I form words for type advantage of something, hell, I want some function that teaches me words at all instead of just some symbols! But with more content, the difficulty curve will need some hard managing, so I'd recommend more gradual methods of teaching, like if in the tutorial it gave you only symbols it's told you, but keeps telling you new ones. Besides that giant tangent on gameplay, there isn't much else. The graphics are nice I guess but the title doesn't yet seem done and there is only one level's worth of graphics besides that, as well as on my game having this problem where the top toaster is already selected until I mouse over it then move the mouse off. Sound is pretty good in the fight, the effects are neat and the battle theme is alright, nothing special. The menu theme however is slow and boring. This would be fine in an emotional game, but this game is about fighting more or less, so it should get the player hyped not bored. Over all I'd rate the game a fair 5/10 for it's current state. This is based on a 0-10 scale which makes this about average. There isn't enough here to prove any vision or show anything neat, but for what is here it ain't half bad.


Super Toaster X: Learn Japanese RPG

Version: 0.1.8over 8 years ago
Just to clarify: both builds have the *same* version. Gamejolt won't let me upload with the same version for different builds for some reason so I was forced to change the *real* version number until I find a way around this. Important: This is a technical demo and not the full game. It's still under construction and under heavy development. The objective is to get feedback about the game in order to develop it in the right direction!

Pan, a piece of bread riding a mechanical toaster armor, must rescue the 7 members of the Breasistance from Doctor Dough, an organic parasite which can take control over any domestic appliance.

Super Toaster X is a RPG game to learn Japanese vocabulary. It was mostly inspired by the Darkest Dungeon (exploration phase) and Super Mario RPG franchise (combat phase).

Music is composed by the talented Toney Manfredonia (@amanfr1 on twitter).

Follow us on twitter for the lastest news, the account is frequently uploaded:

Well, that's it. Have a good one.

Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Devlog 89: Steam Greenlight

Devlog 88: Let's talk XP

v0.37 is out!

Tons of changes and improvements in this new version. Make sure to use the sensei mode!

Devlog 85: Change is for the Best