Comments (2,183)
where is the download
make gameplay video please
i bet everybody is going to pick sans when this game comes out
You should make it so that the AU versions of characters are their alternate costumes.
this was my dream
Game Soundtrack
003 Map - Ruins [Malcom Robinson Music]
- 1.003 Map - Ruins [Malcom Robinson Music]
- 2.004 Map - CORE [Malcom Robinson Music]
- 3.005 Map - True Lab [Neon Luigi]
- 4.008 Victory! - Undyne [Malcom Robinson Music]
- 5.009 Victory! - Sans [iwannabethecollector]
- 6.010 Victory! - Papyrus [DM DOKURO]
- 7.011 Victory! - Mettaton EX [iwannabethecollector]
- 8.014 Victory! - Asgore [Malcom Robinson Music]
- 9.018 Victory! - Red [ElectricMudkip]
This is a Super Smash Brothers fan-game.
This is also an Undertale fan-game... if that wasn't obvious enough.
Welcome to Super Undertale Bros., a game based off SSB, but instead with the Undertale soundtrack, characters, and stages implemented.
Play as your favorite Undertale characters as you take down everyone else in your conquest for victory!
Are you filled with DETERMINATION?
Compete to be the Undertale champion!
Play as your favorite Undertale characters!
AU's are going to be implemented as well
There is a spaghetti final smash
Gaster is playable
Red is also playable
There are dogs
Almost everyone in the Undertale universe is playable basically.
Possible multiplayer?
Mettaton EX's legs are actually attacks
Every character's final smash is unique
Sans can dunk on everyone
(Probably the best character in this game is Sans)
You can punch a child without anyone complaining
Some other things
Every human (aka SOUL) is playable
Join the discord for live updates!:
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence