Comments (984)
PLEASE make a full game out of this i woulde be willing to pay for this
If you change the name (because it's a very original game you don't need to use wolfstein name) and put new levels it could be a full game, I guess it would easily get through Steam Greenlight
This is the best thing ever made
Great game, just one question. Why do the soldiers have penises on top of their helmets ?
Jacksepticeye played it must watch
Super Wolfenstein HD (Original Jam Version)
Super Wolfenstein HD (Now with realistic physics)
(This game was made for the PewDiePie Jam... Not much more than 72 hours have been spent developing it)
W, S, A, D and Left Click to fire.
Press 1 and 2 to switch weapons.
Super Wolfenstein 3D is a loving reimagining of the classic Wolfenstein 3D game by ID Software, but with the big difference of it having realistic physics.
If the state of the art physics of the original game wasn't enough physics for you, then this is the reimagining of Wolfenstein 3D that you've been waiting for!
All the glitches! All the Nazis! All the physics!
Developed by Free Lives. We develop the game "Broforce" most days. http://www.freelives.net
Sweet video clip of the game in action: http://gfycat.com/MixedSpotlessBluefish
Downloads: The main downloadable is a slightly updated build with a lot of gameplay kinks smoothed out. It's a LOT more fun now (though the final baddie can't have his guns disarmed and the lights still cannot be broken).