
Comments (18)

What do you think?

Good start so far.

You should some different player models it would be cool shoot large size scary dudes hehe.

How did you make the red particle effect when you shoot a zombie?
What does the purple ring mean?
How did you manage to get 940 plays?
Do you have future updates planned?

not bad! if you want some help ill give you some textures! nice work

Well the quality is a bit .. but it's alright!


Survival Instinct v0.2.1

Version: 0.2.1over 8 years ago

First person action shooter.

Latest release alpha v0.2.1

Login to game need use gamejolt token ( not default password) top right corner, pres on your icon ant you will see "game token" press on him and you will see your token ( password to the all games)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

Intro about comming update v0.3.0

Comming new update 0.3.0. Images Included. Inventory system, health potions, action bar for skills and quick use items.

New shotgun v0.2.1

New shotgun added, updated old rifle.
Ammunition drop change update, now from 55% to 35%, amount incressed from 10 to 30. For shotgun give 7.

update to alpha 0.2.0

In alpha 0.2.0 added login screen, one trophy and players score-board, In next update will be 2 new weapons.


Comming new guns, new enemy, much more skills, active and passive.