Comments (55)
Hey infamousStudios its Tacoschicken i made a new account its koda_1234
Can i know this game informations
Wat M8 This Is Concentrated Shite Sorry but its sucks
But at least it isn't made just from unity assets i think And also are the even working on this their last upote was in 2014-or 2015 not sures coose Utube says the video was made last year. wat? - Their Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYegTqjBLxs&ab_channel=Inf4mousStudios
. Will this game ever be good or just suck.
#SaveMe #KeemstarIsComing4You
Add:Cars,multiplayer,enemies,GRASS,wather cheange:Food and drink bar
I Need Help With The GUI Stamina and Thirst and such Can you help me with that?
Survival Island
This is a survival game that I am releasing as my first main project to see what kinds of things I personally can do in Unity3d. I will try updating it as regularly as possibly and work on it when I can. :) If you would like to see this game's progress from even earlier from this time, go here : http://www.indiedb.com/games/survival-island
Also, make sure to check out my website : http://inf4mousstudios.weebly.com/ Thanks everyone :)
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed