
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Sounds like a lot of fun, would love to play it on the Channel someday.

looks awesome :D

You start as a person. Then u go to a room where u will choose the rest of ur team, get some random items, fight weak bosses, then get more stuff (you CANT grind) and then fight the final strongest boss with the team and equipments u have. Its a short and a challenging game.. Ayee!

If you didnt yet, Check out my first game! still in progress but released this month (Maybe)! Its called Emoras Rescue!

Thanks!!! :D


Im sick =C


I re-designed the rooms… instead of an “island” ur now in a… castle. But follows the same pattern of the old rooms. Kinda. And teaser photos coming up right now…

Release date, Early Access, or demo?

What would u guys rather have? An actual release date or a demo for a game with no release date…Or some people with such early access? Cx

Pick at your own risk.

Every Vote

Every Choice


Good And Bad News


Will you survive?

The game?

Are you getting played?

Or your playing it.

Team Easter Egg?

I added a new easter egg which is you can actually get the team without talking to them. just an auto team maker.


Coming Soon!

Guess when the trailer's comin...

Time is always ticking. Tick Tock.

Secret Rooms

Added 1 secret room out of 3. tick tock.

MASSIVE UPDATES AND CHANGES, Trailer Soon, and progress made in the game if u ever wondered!!! ^u^

3 photos released and an update!