Dobukai is conceptualized as an action adventure RPG. The overworld has 3D platforming elements, and the battles are action input based. No more idly waiting as you hit the "Attack" button! You'll be controlling Maphee, Kat, and Ester throughout their world. You'll battle foes, and encounter many interesting characters as you fight Yurei to retrieve back the stars!
Furthermore, there is planned to be lots of fun side things to do. Co-Op is planned, so that one person each can control one of the trio. Ester can gather recipes and cook food to heal the party, Kat can use alchemy to make potions. Plus a lot more!
This concept was started in 2014, and it has been worked on ever since. Stay on the lookout!
#platformer #multiplayer #puzzle #other #action #adventure #rpg #dobukai
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling