
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Excellent. It is a good game to exercise the brain, an excellent puzzle game.

Really good game, got me thinking a bit. :)

Good game, really good puzzle game. I've rated ;)

But just for an Idea. - This gam culd be easily a Arrowkeys Only game if you had the Up Key do whatever the Space Key does.
(Just a thought from another Developer ;) )

Hi, “Swapblocks” game is amazing, I think, maybe should to create this game website in online (example.: I propose this idea, of course only if it is useful and possible… Because I am looking forward to new levels…

Argh, those puzzles are reeeeaaaaallly difficult. Nice job making them, they really twisted my brain up.

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Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

You can swap blocks with each other in this challenging puzzle game. Use this ability to get the red triangle to the finish. There are many special blocks, like moveable blocks, switches and teleporters. This is the sequel to TRrBL.

Can you complete all 45 levels?

Tags: #puzzle #replace #blocks #swap


Swapblocks now on GameJolt!

I’ve now released Swapblocks here on GameJolt! Swapblocks is a challenging puzzle game in which you can swap blocks with each other. Use this ability to complete 45 levels.