Comments (1)
This seems like a REALLY good game, are you still working on it or is this it just lost to the wind, it has lots of potential
What is SWORDS ?
Have you ever wanted to go back to your childhood ? Your old gameboy games ? Then Swords is the game you look for! Swords is a tribute to the original Red/Blue Pokemon games, but in it's own original way.

How does it work like ?
The game works like Pokemon, but instead of pokemons, you have swords and armors! Every sword has its elemental power, depending on your enemies' armor, your attack will do different damage. For example, you have a fire Sword and your enemy a grass Armor. If you attack him, it'll deal twice as much damage! But if you have a fire Sword and attack an Water enemy, your attack will deal half the damage. This rule does not apply for all Elements, but for most (As in Normal vs. Any doesn't deal twice or half).
The Story ?
You are young girl whose new neighbor is an old adventurer that was once known as the biggest Swords collector in the region. He challenges you and his son to collect all swords possible of the region. So you set into your journey to find the swords and become the best Swordsman anyone can dream of.
The Objective ?
Go to all the cities in Otnak and fight all of the Dojo leaders and defeat the High Swordsmans! In the way, you'll meet a secret team, which you must defeat for the world's sake.
About the game Development:
An alpha version will be released as soon the songs for the Passways and battles are done.
Mild Fantasy Violence