
For you who loved to play shooting games especially a more tactical ones, and hell yeah on VIRTUAL REALITY! Here I'm trying to create one for you guys! A shooting game with real gun mechanics like load and unload magazine, cranking your weapon before shooting, recoil, scope, and any other stuff just to fulfill our demand of fun of operating a gun!
#vr #action #shooter #other #sports

Tactical Override is an immersive experience of #shooting game on #VirtualReality . The game is still on the development from its game design, gameplay, and game mechanics. But there are already some idea that I'll be mention of how the game will be.

Tactical Override over a real way to operate the weapon. From loading magz, cranking the gun to load the clips, and BOOM shoot the gun!
For current state we got implemented to the game :
Empty/Loaded Magazine System ( You can load your gun with empty magz, and of course it would not shoot
Cranking your weapon before shooting ( It is not just attaching the magazine. Crank it first, and BANG!
Two handed weapon ( You can grab and aim your weapon two handedly)
For future plan, we will implement :
Automatic/Burst/Single fire mode
Safe mode ( A state that the gun would not shoot just like in real life)

We are trying to achieve the feel of recoil to make it more immersive when you jump into the game. It's not a Rambo game that keep shooting 200 rounds without any problem!
Each weapon will have a different recoil rate.
For future plan, we will implement :
Different recoil when holding one handedly compared to two handedly
High force recoil, for certain gun that cannot be shooted when handled only by one hand except the gun will be flew from the hand
Reactive and Interactive Environment

Almost every environment elements is fully react to what you do in their game. You can shoot em, grab, bring, throw, move, interact to them (pushing button, open lever, typing, etc) and many other things.
For current state, we already implement several things :
Reactive environment objects ( like an object that launched when we shot em)
Special reactive object ( like shooting target )
Several interactable objects
For future plan, we will implement :
Explosive object ( Object that could result to an explosion on reaction )
Destructible object ( object that could separately destructed )
More interactive object with different purpose and approach
There are several feature that planned to be implemented to the game, so the game will be more playable and non-flat gameplay :
Basically "Situation" is the same as Game Mode on today video game we see on market, just to make it suitable with the design of the game, we can call it "Situation". There are several situation that will be implemented on the game :
Simulation ( A training mode that will record how well you beat the training ground challenge )
Hostage ( Breach into a place that a hostage being captive. Search the place, beware of badguys, and find the hostage )
Escort ( Escort a VIP to a certain destination. It's not an easy escort since you need to protect and clear your way to the destination from badguys )
Bomb ( Defeat the badguys from protecting the bomb, and defuse it with your hand. Simple as that )
Beside "Situation" , I'm gonna adding some weapon of choice to be use on the game, such as :
M4A1 (Rifle) (Already implemented)
AK41 (Rifle)
G36C (Rifle)
Bizon (Sub-Machine Gun)
Uzi ( Sub-Machine Gun)
MP5 (Sub-Machine Gun)
M9 Beretta (Pistol)
Colt 45 (Pistol)
Revolver (Pistol)
Gun with attachment, is everything of possibilities! There are several attachment that I'll add on the game :
Laser Point
When on the "Situation" , there are several equipment that could help you on making the your condition easier :
Flash bang
Gas Bomb
There are the very first design element of the game that already implemented and will be implemented. Yes there are a lot of things to do to fulfill all of this check list, and hopefully I take of what you guys thought about this game to be implemented inside the game. Love to hear some from you guys!!
Get in touch with Realism Studio!
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