
Comments (77)

What do you think?

Can you add a health bar? The fight on chapter 3 is way to hard because of the flame. Just a suggestion

Wtf? One hit deaths? Can you add atleast a hp bar?

Hey how did any of you beat chapter one I'm litteraly at a loss

dude chapter 4 is impossible

i cant get past chapter one make a health bar


Tapstablook [Undertale Fan Game]

Version: 5.0.1almost 9 years ago

Arcade Mode:
Tapping on Napstablook gets you Tears. Once you reach enough Tears, Napstablook runs away to get a friend to protect him from you. How far can you get?

Story Mode:
Discover the origin story of Napstablook and how he became a ghost!

Update 5.0.0 Chapter 4! Added the fourth and final chapter to Story Mode. I'm quite sad to see the story end, but I hope you all like it :)

Update 4.0.0: Chapter 3! Added the third Chapter to Story mode- the story is coming close to the end. Get pumped! :)
Update 4.1.0: Fixed glitched in the beginning of Ch3 where it was possible to skip dialogue.

Update 3.0.0: Chapter 2! Added the second chapter to Story mode, along with a few other misc. changes. Chapter 2 includes more story, new characters, and a new style of boss!
And perhaps the biggest change: The final boss has checkpoints! [And you can save and exit, and then load your save part way through the boss] :D
Enjoy the Update!

Update3.1.0: Fixed the "Infinite Loop" Glitch. Sorry about that! :(
If you saved your game at the final checkpoint, loading it and getting to the end will result in the correct dialogue being displayed.

Update 2.0: Story Mode!! Added Chapter 1 of Story Mode, saving High Scores, and various minor updates.
Update 2.0.2:Fixed Bugs [and crash] Sorry about that! :(
Update 2.1: Made boss EASIER!!! [And fixed some typos >.>]
Update 2.2: Boss song length shortened. Should be easier to handle. :)

Update 1.1: Added Sans and keeping track of score on loss.
Update 1.2: Added Menu and customizable Mouse images.
Update 1.3: Added Bad Time mode.
Update 1.4: Interface Updates, Statistics, and finished all the desired content! There will be a full independent release soon, once I finish playtesting for bugs and balancing.
Update 1.5: Added Temstablook Shop?!? And UPGRADES?!? WOWAWOWAWOWA!!!
Update 1.6: Final Balances and Standalone release! Get it on Gamejolt!
Update 1.7: Added 3 New Bosses: Muffet, Asriel, and ???; 2 are after Bad Time Mode.

Undertale is owned by Toby Fox. This is a fan game, made for fun and not profit.
(All art and coding [except the Papyrus Sprite] were done by me!)
Music [Arcade Mode] by Toby Fox.
Title Theme:
Gaster Remix [Arcade] piece by The Great Anansi:
Dummy! Remix for first boss by VGR:
Dummy! Remix for the second boss by ElectricMudkip:
Megalovania Remix by Sim Gretina:
Spider Dance by VGR:
Gaster Battle Music:

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Story Mode Finished!

The final Chapter of Story Mode is out, concluding the planned content for Tapstablook Story Mode! Now, that isn’t to say I won’t make some Epilogues in my spare time ;)

Story Mode Chapter 3!

Chapter 3 for Story Mode is out! New boss, new boss fight mechanics, new development in the story, and new character!
Everything should become clear next chapter, but until then enjoy this one! :)