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Tapstablook [Undertale Fan Game]
Arcade Mode:
Tapping on Napstablook gets you Tears. Once you reach enough Tears, Napstablook runs away to get a friend to protect him from you. How far can you get?
Story Mode:
Discover the origin story of Napstablook and how he became a ghost!
Update 5.0.0 Chapter 4! Added the fourth and final chapter to Story Mode. I'm quite sad to see the story end, but I hope you all like it :)
Update 4.0.0: Chapter 3! Added the third Chapter to Story mode- the story is coming close to the end. Get pumped! :)
Update 4.1.0: Fixed glitched in the beginning of Ch3 where it was possible to skip dialogue.
Update 3.0.0: Chapter 2! Added the second chapter to Story mode, along with a few other misc. changes. Chapter 2 includes more story, new characters, and a new style of boss!
And perhaps the biggest change: The final boss has checkpoints! [And you can save and exit, and then load your save part way through the boss] :D
Enjoy the Update!
Update3.1.0: Fixed the "Infinite Loop" Glitch. Sorry about that! :(
If you saved your game at the final checkpoint, loading it and getting to the end will result in the correct dialogue being displayed.
Update 2.0: Story Mode!! Added Chapter 1 of Story Mode, saving High Scores, and various minor updates.
Update 2.0.2:Fixed Bugs [and crash] Sorry about that! :(
Update 2.1: Made boss EASIER!!! [And fixed some typos >.>]
Update 2.2: Boss song length shortened. Should be easier to handle. :)
Update 1.1: Added Sans and keeping track of score on loss.
Update 1.2: Added Menu and customizable Mouse images.
Update 1.3: Added Bad Time mode.
Update 1.4: Interface Updates, Statistics, and finished all the desired content! There will be a full independent release soon, once I finish playtesting for bugs and balancing.
Update 1.5: Added Temstablook Shop?!? And UPGRADES?!? WOWAWOWAWOWA!!!
Update 1.6: Final Balances and Standalone release! Get it on Gamejolt!
Update 1.7: Added 3 New Bosses: Muffet, Asriel, and ???; 2 are after Bad Time Mode.
Undertale is owned by Toby Fox. This is a fan game, made for fun and not profit.
(All art and coding [except the Papyrus Sprite] were done by me!)
Music [Arcade Mode] by Toby Fox.
Title Theme:
Gaster Remix [Arcade] piece by The Great Anansi:
Dummy! Remix for first boss by VGR:
Dummy! Remix for the second boss by ElectricMudkip:
Megalovania Remix by Sim Gretina:
Spider Dance by VGR:
Gaster Battle Music: