Comments (78)
I really enjoyed the game so i decided to do a lets play on it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwnZX7oO97w
tattletail: AHHHHHHH! AHHH!
me: shut up plz
man wish you still worked on fangames a kalidoscope would be epic
i wish for co op someday
please make it possible to save
TattleTop update
Improves graphics, and adds a small tutorial.
Top Down fangame of TattleTail, featuring endless arcade style gameplay. Watch your footsteps, you might lead Mama right to you...
Waygetter - Basic idea for game, also TattleTail's voicelines and design.
Sounds - All sounds used in the game can be found at http://www.waygetter.com/tattletail_credits.html
TattleTail Discord chat https://discord.gg/Vw5cESB
Cartoon Violence